GSNYPENN is an inclusive organization that welcomes every girl to join in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. For many families that are struggling through tough economic times, the availability of financial assistance is the only way their daughters can participate. To help bridge the gap for families in need, we established the Financial Assistance Program. This Financial Assistance Program provides confidential, needs-based aid to individual girl and adult* Girl Scout members. The Financial Assistance Program helps cover expenses associated with essential resources and valuable activities/events for girls in need, including:
- Membership assistance
- Girl Guide/Journey books
- Uniform pieces
- Council-sponsored activities that provide substantial program value, including camp
* Adults can apply for membership assistance or for council-sponsored troop/group activities when their participation is required for safety purposes.
As Girl Scouts, we believe that success is what happens when ability meets opportunity. The Financial Assistance Program is part of our continued investment in affording all girls the extraordinary opportunities that our program provides, so that they may acquire the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed.