Service Unit Delegate
Every spring, Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways (GSNYPENN) holds its
Annual Meeting, gathering the organization’s executives, board of
directors, and members. During the Annual Meeting, an elected group of
members called delegates directly participates in council
governance—electing board members, voting on changes to organizational
policies and bylaws, and providing feedback on topics most affecting
our members.
Every service unit facilitates a service unit delegate selection
between October 1 and January 15 in anticipation of the Annual
Meeting. Service units must submit their delegate names to council
staff by January 15.
Service unit delegates must be:
- Registered members of Girl Scouts of the USA
- Affiliated with a service unit through a troop, group, or
- At least 14-years-old
- No outstanding debts to
Service unit delegates represent the interests, needs, and unique
perspectives of their local Girl Scout community. As a membership
organization, it's critical that the amazing diversity of our region
is present at annual meeting.
To learn more about becoming a Service Unit Delegate, visit
National Council Session (NCS) Delegate
Every three years, delegates from every council across the nation
and USA Girl Scouts Overseas—our National Council—meet to discuss,
debate, and vote on issues important to the Girl Scout Movement and
elect national leaders for the next triennium.
The delegates the council is entitled to elect to the NCS of the
United States of America are elected by the voting members of the
GSNYPENN corporation (service unit delegates, board members, and board
development committee members) at the Annual Meeting. NCS Delegate
applications are accepted through December 31 every three years and
elected at the following Annual Meeting.
Applicants must be:
- A United States citizen
- A member of the Girl Scout
Movement in the United States
- Age 14 years or over by the
time they will attend the National Council
- A member of the
council for whom she/he/they will be serving
NCS delegates are a crucial part of ensuring each council's
interests and concerns are represented at the national level and
shaping the national Girl Scout Movement’s direction and governance.
To learn more about becoming an NCS Delegate, visit