Juliette Gordon Low: A Woman with a Dream Who Founded a Movement

Juliette Gordon Low: A Woman with a Dream Who Founded a Movement

By Kaitlyn Greer, Communications Manager

Every year on October 31, we celebrate Founder’s Day in honor of the birth of Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon in 1860. For 112 years, Girl Scouts from across our nation and the world have continued the traditions of this woman with a dream who we know today as our founder Juliette Gordon Low (JGL).

Also known as “Daisy,” JGL loved athletics, nature, animals and the arts. Her dream was to create a safe space for girls of any class, culture or ethnicity to develop leadership skills, advocate for themselves and others and so much more.

JGL wanted girls to see their full potential and gain confidence in a world that at the time was male-dominant in areas like science and athletics. If you don’t know by now, she did just that— she made that change!