In addition to patches, badges and Girl Scouts’ high awards, here are other awards that girls can earn through Girl Scouts and community organizations.
All Grade Levels
Girls of all grade levels can earn the My Promise, My Faith pin which allows girls to further strengthen the connection between their faith and Girl Scouts. Once each year, a girl can earn the My Promise, My Faith pin by carefully examining the Girl Scout Law and tying it directly to tenets of her faith. Requirements for this pin can be found here.
Cadette, Senior and Ambassador
Community Service Bars are earned by making a difference in the community and practicing Girl Scout values by volunteering at least 20 hours for an organization. Before starting, you should complete and submit the Community Service Bar Application. Once approved, you’ll record your volunteer hours and complete the final summary for approval on this form. You’ll receive a congratulatory email to purchase your pins from your nearest GS Store.
Cadette, Senior and Ambassador
Service to Girl Scouting Bars are earned by volunteering at least 20 hours for the Girl Scouts. You might volunteer your time for a special event for younger girls, be an office assistant for your council or service unit, or help with special projects. Before starting, complete and submit the Approval Application. Once approved, you’ll record your volunteer hours and complete a final summary for approval on this form. You’ll receive a congratulatory email to purchase your pins from your nearest GS Store.
Cadette, Senior and Ambassador
This award is given to a Girl Scout who is a leader in her community. To earn the Torch Award, a Girl Scout must complete one Leadership Journey, and serve a full term in a leadership position at her school, place of worship, library, community center, or other organization that is important to her. Complete this form to log your hours to receive your congratulatory email.
All Grade Levels
The Journey Summit Award Pin is earned by girls who have completed three National Leadership Journeys at their grade level. The colored border around each pin corresponds to their grade level. This award can be earned by girls in all program levels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador. This is the highest award that a Girl Scout Daisy and a Girl Scout Brownie can earn.
All Grade Levels
Safety Awards are earned by following a five-step process for being
safe, tailored for each grade level.
Find your grade level's
steps in The
Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting.
All Grade Levels
All girls who participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program are eligible to earn the annual Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin, which they earn by developing essential business skills.
All Grade Levels
This award is given to a girl who has shown the presence of mind and true Girl Scout spirit saving life or attempting to save life without risk to the candidate’s own life. Complete this form to nominate a girl for this award. You’ll receive a call from a staff person to help you submit an application to GSUSA.
All Grade Levels
This award is given to a girl who has shown extraordinary heroism saving life or attempting to save life with risk to the candidate’s own life. Complete this form to nominate a girl for this award. You’ll receive a call from a staff person to help you submit an application to GSUSA.
All Grade Levels
This award recognizes Girl Scouts for their community service efforts over a 12-month period of your choice. It is a Presidential honor, initiated by President Bush in 2003, to recognize the valuable contributions of volunteers across the nation that serve others through their volunteer activities. As a certifying organization, GSNYPENN will identify eligible Girl Scout recipients, verify their service hours, and distribute the award to outstanding volunteers. Complete this form to log your hours and apply to receive this award.
Criteria for President's Volunteer Service Award:
Hours by Award | Bronze | Silver | Gold | Lifetime Achievement Award |
Kids (5–10 years old) |
26–49 | 50–74 | 75+ | 4,000+ |
Teens (11–15) | 50–74 | 75–99 | 100+ | 4,000+ |
Young Adults (16–25) |
100–174 | 175–249 | 250+ | 4,000+ |
Adults | 100–249 | 250–499 | 500+ | 4,000+ |