Many approved horseback riding facilities within our council footprint welcome Girl Scouts for lessons, trail rides and badge work.
The approved facilities below carry appropriate business insurance and meet all Girl Scout safety standards.
Girl Scouts may not participate in any horse-related activities or horseback riding programs at non-approved facilities! Please check with the site you are interested in visiting if it does not appear on our vetted partners list about available services, pricing and details as these vary depending on the facility.
Please note: Some of these approved facilities DO NOT have a certified person on staff in First Aid/CPR. In these cases, the troop must provide an adult first-aider.
If you or someone you know operates a horseback riding facility and would like to become an approved program site for Girl Scouts, please fill out this form.
Outside riding facilities must provide the council with a current certificate of liability insurance (Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways named as additionally insured is suggested).